If you’ve worked your way through the Chalking 101 series so far, welcome to the FUN part! The actual “Peel & Reveal”, the glory!
Nothing is more excited to me that seeing a new chalker peel that transfer back and see just how easy it is to create a masterpiece. And now that you have taken all of the steps to ensure success, let’s get down to chalking!
There are a few important things to remember. Do these and you are destined to Chalk Perfection!
– Make sure your surface and transfer are completely dry!
– Fuzz your transfer (especially if it is brand new)
– Make sure your paste is consistent
– Apply the paste and scrap off the excess (you should be able to see the design or lettering when you scrap the extra off)
– No clumps or bumps… make sure there are no lines or globs of paste on the transfer
– peel up while the paste is still wet – don’t let that paste dry on the transfer!
That’s it! I think you’re ready!
If you don’t already have a project in mind, I highly suggest our Try Me Kits! They are changed out every catalog and include A Transfer, Surface, Paste Packets, and Mini Squeegee!
Happy Chalking,
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